Impact of Mobile Health Screening Program on Health and Rural Population

The word “Rural” has different meanings and understandings to many people. In the rural areas, illiteracy is widespread. The term rural, bucolic, rustic are typical of the country living as distinguished from the city. It is important to define “Rural” for health policy and research purposes to be relevant to the objective of the report and conclusions. For this report, the rural population is defined as population residing in isolation, small towns in low population density. The report deals with the impact of latest technological events associated with Mobile Medical Vans, mobile phones and laptops to be able to offer medical health screening to the “Rural” population previously available only in the major metropolises.
A study of the impact of diabetes on Victoria’s rural population in Australia revealed the obvious that their death rate was higher compared to the population residing in their metropolises. Vision loss due to diabetes is preventable with the proper periodic check-up. The study found that a pilot program to study the impact of diabetes and blindness in the rural population was reversible using Mobile Health Screening programs at a competitive cost benefitting the government and the patients residing in rural and remote areas.
The impact of mobile phone/laptop technology is also closely tied to the success of the Mobile Health Screening Van Program. The medical professionals can extract the relevant medical information available from the global medical online resources for treatment in the rural and remote locations. And thus provide rural population patients with the benefit of the latest and smartest treatment available in the medical field. The smartphones and laptops technology usage has exploded globally and helped to reduce the cost of the medical health especially for the populations in the remote locations by making the latest medical technology available at their door steps.
Remote monitoring through mobile devices can help manage chronic diseases by patients recording their own health measures and transmit electronically to the medical professional from the remote locations and keep the cost down by not requiring doctor’s office visit. A Brookings Institution analysis by Robert Liban determined that remote monitoring technologies could save $197 billion over 25 years in the United States.
For instance chronic diseases such as diabetes, patients can monitor their blood glucose levels and transmit data to the health care provider for appropriate diagnostic support at a lower cost level than an office visit.
The mobile app devices are also useful to monitor and treat substance abusers, smokers and for health education. In remote areas of China their health association has utilized electrocardiogram sensing handsets that record 30 seconds of heart data and transmit electronically to call centers in Beijing where physicians provide real-time lifesaving feedback.
Health of rural and remote population is at risk in many countries like the USA and China while governments tackle the root cause of unaffordable health care. In the meantime available health care money will be ensnared by providers as high income and profits. Continuing medical education is a major factor to insure that the medical staff is able to offer benefit of the latest medical advances to the residence of the rural populations. Continued training programs, educational videos, informational messages and interactive exercises can be made available to the front line and remote providers without attending class room settings. Public policies must recognize the challenges of geographic and spatial behavior factors in rural health care programs.
Access to transportation for a medical check-up equals better and longer life. It stands to reason that the available Mobile Medical Van Screening Programs and health education are the crucial resources necessary for the rural population.
The impact of the Mobile health Screening Program on the rural population discussion must include the utilization of the Mobile Dental and Medical Vans/Trailer to reach the patients. It stands to reason that the availability of the Mobile Mammography Van for the rural/remote population should enhance their health and life. The latest technology in the medical field in conjunction with the mobile phone/laptop technology advances can work together to help providers timely support.
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