Promote the Mammography Awareness with Mobile Mammography Van on this Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

As per U.S. Breast Cancer statistics, in January 2020, the U.S. has more than 3.5 million women with a breast cancer history, including the ones being currently treated. And new cases of invasive cancer being diagnosed in women in 2020 are to reach an estimated 276,480, with 48,530 new cases of non-invasive breast cancer.
2020 is also the year of the COVID-19 pandemic which has led to many medical and healthcare-related difficulties. Women have not been stepping out for their regular mammography screenings owing to the lockdown and the fear of catching coronavirus at healthcare facilities. While it is very evidently reiterated by medical experts that early detection is the best chance of beating breast cancer, it is quite shocking that due to COVID-19, breast cancer screenings have fallen by a staggering 94% as compared to previous years. At such challenging times, a Mobile Mammography Van can be an apt solution for both, raising awareness about the importance of screening mammograms in this Breast Cancer Awareness month and also conducting screenings by reaching out to women at a place convenient to them.
Breast cancer awareness month illustrates the need for a health education program about breast cancer among women. It is critical to spread the knowledge and raise awareness that mammography screenings for breast cancer can save lives by detecting cancer early on when it is still treatable. As per research, if detected early, breast cancer survival rate can be as high as 98%. They are recommended for all women above 40 years of age on an annual basis even without any symptoms. And for those with a family history of breast cancer, it is recommended even before the age of 40. A mobile mammography van can be very useful in creating this basic awareness amongst women to help them detect cancer in the early stages. The major reasons women either delay mammograms or do not get it done include access issues, long-distance, time crunch with office, family, and other commitments, insurance, or lack of awareness. These issues can be handled by conducting a breast cancer awareness program using a mobile mammography van which can be used for early breast cancer detection by providing women with a mammography screening at a convenient location. It can provide private screenings to all the women above 35 years of age in the nearby areas. Quality refurbished mobile mammography van is available on sale or rent wherein it not only helps you save money but also equips you with state-of-the-art technology like 3D digital imaging for cancer mammography screenings and keeps you mobile to access all the areas including remote and difficult to reach places.
With a mobile mammography clinic, you can reach thousands of women at their workplace. They don’t have to miss their work and they don’t skip their regular annual cancer mammography screening either. It saves them the time required to travel or the time they have to take off work. This encourages more women to get their mammograms done. You can tie up with offices and corporates to conduct a breast cancer awareness program this month for their employees and also provide them with convenient screening mammograms. A new or a refurbished mobile mammography van can help you reach medium or small businesses, large corporates, communities, schools, underserved areas, and more. Women get encouraged to get their mammography screenings done, as it gets very easy and simple if they get a mobile mammography van in their neighborhood or nearby location. With a mobile mammography van, you can either generate appointments and help women schedule their screenings or allow walk-ins to get their mammograms done by trained staff.
A mobile mammography van can be used with a display of multiple banners educating women on ways of self-checking their breasts on regular basis to feel any lumps or nodes. It can encourage them for a healthy diet and lifestyle and create the importance of regular mammogram screenings after 40 years of age.
To help you reach maximum women, create awareness, and improve the availability of mammograms as per their convenience, at KB Consulting, we can provide you with new and refurbished mobile mammography van. These mobile mammography vans are equipped with updated high-resolution 3D digital technology for an accurate diagnosis. Whether you are into private medical practice or with a health clinic or hospital, get in touch with our experts and help us in helping you promote breast cancer awareness this month. You can invest in a new or refurbished mammography van that helps you get mobile and spread awareness about the dangers of breast cancer, the advantages of early detection, and the importance of regular mammography screenings.