When Should You Upgrade Your Nuclear Gamma Camera?

How do you know the exact time to upgrade or replace your nuclear gamma camera? Any precise thoughts!
There is an extended list of factors that can be added to make up for an accurate answer to this question. Keep reading as we are listing down the most crucial points that are not worth to missing out.
Questionable results of Nuclear Gamma Camera
Patient diagnosis is one of the top priorities at healthcare facilities that form the base for the treatment of any ailment. Any patient reaching your facility highlights their trust in your service.
To keep it intact, your service should offer them a precise diagnosis. If your camera is indicating signs of poor-quality images or misdiagnosis among the patients, it is high time for you to upgrade it to save your business from any loss of patients or funds.
There are many suppliers in the market who will get you the same component for the one that is messing with your patient diagnosis presently in your nuclear gamma camera. You just need to reach out to them to get it done in minimal time possible.
End of standard life
As for the experts, one should replace or upgrade refurbished medical equipment once it reaches the upper limit of its standard life span. So, if your nuclear gamma camera is approaching the 10-year mark, you should consult with the original manufacturer about the availability of its parts.
The parts or latest innovations for the same are excellent options that are available in the third-party market. These are manufactured in the first place to work with a variety of equipment that delivers accurate results. With just a component upgrade, your nuclear gamma camera can work smoothly again like a new one.
Inconsistent performance of Nuclear Gamma Camera
At healthcare facilities, technologists performing routine maintenance take follow-ups on the quality control of the nuclear gamma camera. A check for its performance as per the original specifications and to offer quality diagnostic studies will help the equipment working in the long run efficiently.
Many times, due to negligence or honest mistakes, specification drift occurs. It can go up to 10%, both positive and negative from the specified limit from the original manufacturer. If this drift is noticed once or twice a year, it’s acceptable to ignore.
But if a system is noticed to drift outside of the tolerance level within a time limit of a month or couple of weeks, take it as an indication of the nuclear gamma camera wearing out.
This often happens when you’re using an old machine. Getting it repaired can shut down your work for days and those causing your loss in your practice. In this competitive market, you can’t even afford to re-schedule the appointments of your patience as they have ample options to get the work done at that instant of time.
Thus, in such a case, recognising the problem in the equipment is necessary. Run a smart scan and check what is the root cause for the poor working of the nuclear gamma camera. This way, upgrading your nuclear gamma camera will be the best option on the plate.
Spending over the budget on medical equipment
Everyone wants to grind the most out of existing medical equipment that cost thousands of dollars in the first place. But it is also important to stop using it at the right time else it would only harm your business.
If you are spending far more than your maintenance fund, it is a sign that you need to look into whether it’s worth it or not. It’s not a wise decision to put in tens of thousands of dollars into buying a new one. This way, you are just putting all the good money that could be invested in getting an upgrade for the same when everything else is working simply fine.
For instance, your facility conducts 15 studies from the nuclear Gamma camera in a day. Suddenly, your camera breaks down in the middle of the week with a jam-packed appointment schedule.
Getting a quality upgrade is the best option in such a scenario. You can offer a promising service to the customers and can move with the scheduled appointments without any delays.
It’s action time!
While working with the nuclear gamma camera, you need to pay attention to the little signals the equipment is highlighting for a nearby breakdown. These can be a slowdown of the system, frequent repairs, and others that need to be given serious attention.
Upgrading is the wise man’s decision in such a case as switching to hi-tech components will help you gain more ROI (Return on Investment) in your business. You may be processing six studies per day with your existing nuclear gamma camera, but with an upgrade in your equipment, you can cover up to 12 or 15 studies in a day. So, investing in an upgrade is worth it and can prove to be a notable change for your practice.
So, what’s the wait for! Start looking for professionals who can upgrade your nuclear gamma camera today for a better future for your business.
We provide a complete line of pre-owned and refurbished Nuclear Gamma Camera for sale which is completely tested and inspected by an experienced team to bring up to the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) specifications. Get in touch with us to know more.