Top Benefits, Purpose, and Takeaway of DEXA Scanner (Bone Densitometry)!

Every year, approximately 6.3 million people in the USA experience bone fracture or a crack in the bone. Considering this, Isn’t it a boon of science that we can come to know beforehand if we have brittle bones and whether we will have fractured bones in the near future?
Well, that is exactly what a Bone Densitometry test or Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, DEXA or DXA scanner helps us determine. DEXA scan produces pictures of areas of internal body parts, mainly the lower spine and hips. DEXA scan is a high precision type X-ray that uses a very small amount of ionizing radiation to measure your Bone Mineral Density or BMD and bone loss. A BMD test measures the amount of calcium and other minerals in an area of the bone. Strong bones are denser and have lesser chances of getting fractured. The BMD measurement is based on the fact that fewer X-rays pass through dense bones. DEXA scanner sends two X-ray beams at different peak energy frequencies to the target bones. One is absorbed by the bone and the and the other by the soft tissue. The difference in the absorption amount is the calculated Bone Mineral Density. Besides, there are other purposes for which a Bone densitometry test is conducted. Few of the are as listed below.
Top Benefits and Purpose of DEXA Scanner
- DEXA scan is a highly adopted and successful method because it is a simple, quick, non-invasive, and painless scanning procedure. There is no requirement of anesthesia and the amount of radiation used is extremely small and hence safe. DEXA scans can be used to make a quick decision on whether treatment is required and it also helps to monitor the effects of the treatment.
- Bone densitometry test is the only way to know for sure if you have osteoporosis. Early diagnosis of Osteoporosis is critical in controlling and treating it and helping reduce bone fracture risk. The X-rays in a DXA scanner shows the possibility of osteoporosis, osteonemia, or fractures. Osteoporosis causes thinning of bones making them fragile and susceptible to breaking. DEXA scans measure bone health and determine how strong your bones are by measuring bone mineral density. Moreover, regular DEXA scans can be used to track the effectiveness of the treatment being undergone for osteoporosis
- DEXA scanners can accurately detect even small changes in bone loss. The DXA test can check the bone brittleness and assess an individual’s risk of getting a crack in the bone.
- DEXA scans are considered to be more reliable than other tests for measuring your body fat percentage and diagnosing any metabolism syndrome. With DEXA scans, you get detailed reports on measuring your body weight in terms of fat, muscle, and bone, thus helping you determine which area or body part to work on for getting healthier.
- DEXA scans can help in the detection of VAT – Visceral Adipose Tissue thereby assisting in diagnosing cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore, DEXA scans can assess sarcopenia risks and can detail out your muscle symmetry for any irregularity
- A wide variety of New DEXA scanners as well as pre-owned and refurbished DXA equipment are easily available making bone densitometry testing very convenient both for healthcare professionals and the patients.
- DEXA scans are the most accurate test used by doctors and medical professionals all over to diagnose osteoporosis
- Timely done DEXA scans can alert you on any risk of getting a bone fracture
- DEXA scans are used to determine body fat percentage and their detailed reports give you clarity on whether to work on fat loss or bone density improvement or muscle gain for a healthier you
- With ongoing treatment, DEXA scans done at regular intervals, play a critical role in monitoring and determining the effectiveness of the treatment
- DEXA scanners are very safe because they use extremely low radiation X-rays, which is less than a person’s exposure to naturalradiation.
As a physician or a doctor, it is very profitable to invest in and purchase a DEXA scanner since it is a very simple and quick procedure to perform. High quality pre-owned and refurbished DXA equipment is widely available. Also, the fact that subsequent follow-up DEXA scans should be ideally undergone at the same clinic with the same DEXA scanner ensures repeat patient visits.
Our company also manufactures and customizes mobile bone density screening vans. These vans are easy to drive, provide doorstep bone density screenings, and can help you extend your medical practice in urban, rural, and remotely located communities. We are experts in the customization of mobile bone density screening vans as required for bone healthcare delivery. Contact us and our subject matter experts will guide you in expanding your existing medical facility to include fixed or mobile, new, or pre-owned DEXA scanning equipment.