Top 6 Benefits of Purchasing Mobile Mammography Van!

Mammography Screening is a human breast imaging process that uses low-dose X-rays for early diagnosis of Cancer. The X-ray detects any lumps, masses, or micro calcifications indicating breast cancer. This specific X-ray examination of breasts is known as a Mammogram. A mammography screening helps in early detection of breast cancer while it is still treatable and much before a woman can herself feel any lumps. As per research 25% of women, from those who regularly screen, have been saved from death due to breast cancer as early detection can increase treatment options.
As per the publication, Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2019-2020 by American Cancer Society, ‘Approximately 13% of women will be suffering from invasive breast cancer and 3% of them will die from this cancer’. As per U.S. breast Cancer statistics, ‘In America, an estimated 276,480 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed in 2020. The main cause of such alarming figures of breast cancer spread and death is very evident from American Cancer Society research which shows that in 2018, only 30% of uninsured women were regular with mammography screening while only 64% of insured women were regularly getting themselves screened for breast cancer. Many studies have been conducted to analyze the barriers faced by women in getting regular mammography screenings done. The issues include time constraints due to working hours or having a child to take care of, traveling and transportation difficulties, and other access barriers.
In such conditions, a Mobile Mammography Van can be the perfect solution to reduce and resolve these access barriers for women and ensure regular mammography screenings. At KB Consulting, we can help you purchase a new or a refurbished mammography van as it suits your requirement. But before that, Let us describe down the top 6 benefits of purchasing a Mobile Mammography Van:
1. Meet the demand – A mobile mammography van gives you the flexibility of carrying the screening equipment to various locations based on patient demand. A mammography van can reach the worksite of women, places that are difficult to access, the areas where medically underserved women reside, places that lack infrastructure for breast cancer screening, and so on.
2. Reducing the access barriers – With a mobile mammography van, you can reduce the barriers such as travel distance, time, and location inconvenience due to which many women are not getting screened regularly for breast cancer. A mammography van also increases community access helping with early detection of breast cancer thus helping save lives.
3. Extend your Patient Base – A mobile mammography van enables you to reach broader demography helping you to expand the patient base of your medical facility. E.g. If you are parked at a corporate workplace or a mall parking lot, many women will be inclined to come and get their screening done due to convenience. Also, studies show that working women will be more likely to get a mammography screening done when a mobile van comes to their worksite.Similarly, more women in rural areas tend to get their screenings done when offered easy and affordable access. Mammography Screening campaigns and programs can be coordinated and conducted with corporates to get their employees to benefit from convenient on-site screenings without having to take much time off from their work.
4. Increased Revenue – While reaching a wider customer base increases revenue, the medical facility, with regular visits by their mammography vans, can also generate further revenue by guiding patients for treatments on their other ailments as they are comfortable with the medical healthcare professionals they see often. Also, women with positive screening tend to rely on the same hospital or clinic or medical facility for their oncology treatment whose mobile mammography van helped them diagnose it, further increasing revenue.
5. Increased Visibility – When a mobile mammography van visits the same community regularly for screenings, the patients develop a relationship of trust with that medical brand over time. A mobile mammography van can be branded as required to create awareness and brand recall over regular visits. It helps the medical brand build its equity as quality and affordable healthcare providers with communities, schools, corporate offices, organizations, societies, factories, and rural health community centers
6. Improved healthcare delivery – The chances of early detection of breast cancer and successful treatment amongst the women population goes up with more of them willing to get screened at their convenient location with a mobile mammography van. Early breast cancer detection can help them to get treated without undergoing chemotherapy or surgery.Also, regular follow-up screenings, ensure that they stay healthy. Thus with a new or a refurbished mobile mammography van, you as a medical professional certainly contribute to increased quality healthcare delivery.
So if the medical professional in you is keen on improving the health conditions of women, spreading awareness about breast cancer, and saving lives, you should definitely consider purchasing a mobile mammography van. To know more and decide whether a new mobile mammography van or a refurbished mammography van would serve your purpose, contact us, and let our experts guide you in detail so you can make an informed decision.
Explore Features, Specification and more information about Mobile Mammography Van.