Things to consider before choosing a mobile PET-CT scanner

It is more than important to deliver medical care in every area on the earth more exactly, where there are is people. According to studies around 70% of the population has health insurance and for sure there should be some help for those who for some reason don’t have health insurance. To be a healthy person is a condition for which every human being fights for but if someone doesn’t work or pay health insurance that doesn’t mean he has to suffer medically. For those people there are so many medical organizations that take care of people who need medical support. They create health projects for people with special needs and decide to bring the hospital near their house. Therefore, mobile hospitals are very helpful and at the same time, they bring the positive answer to the persons who are without health insurance.
Choosing a PET-CT scan is always a good idea. A PET-CT scan is a combined system of images, produced by PET scan and CT scan. This combination allows the doctor to detect the reason for an ailment and set the diagnose. It is more important to see the targeted area from many positions so the doctor can give his/her correct opinion about the patient’s condition. Mobile health organizations are always supported but there are few things that should be considered.
1. Decide if the system will be in some building or if it will be truly mobile.
This means that if the van is really bought to help with the space limitations within the hospital, there are more available options to choose from. But, if the radiologist has an intent for the PET-CT scan to be mobile in every sense of the word, then he/she us limited to air-cooled systems. It is good to know that chillers contribute highly to the downtime rate of water cooled CTs, so adding a jostling ride with starts and stops just compounds an inherent problem.
2. How many slices the doctor will need?
If the medical professional needs 16, then he/she has two options. The first one is the Philips GXL and the GE Discovery ST. Consider the fact that Siemens’ 16-lice Biograph uses a water-cooled Sensation 16CT and it is not recommended to be used for mobile routes. Even though there are many of these devices that has been purchased to be on a mobile charge, only one is moving on a route, providing just little or no evidence at all that it will work well in extended periods of time.
3. What are the intentions about the service?
All persons who consider purchasing a mobile PET/CT scan should consider the service agreement and price. It seems that the service coverage of the mobile PET/CT scan couldn’t be more highly recommended. There are a number of good third party service organizations that will for sure take it under a service contract.
Figuring out what is the best option for the mobile trailer can be very tricky. But, for sure it is good to track the traffic of the patient’s flow which is a determinant factor when purchasing this type of medical machine. Another thing to look at is the real desire of what the medical professional really needs. It is often confusing that what you want is not always what you need and these are actually two different things. What machine the doctor will decide to purchase depends on the cost and what they are willing to spend.
When purchasing a new machine keep in mind that there are more investments not only the device. Consider the entire investment together with the equipment hardware, software, updates, certifications, and refurbish requirements. Also the medical professionals should think about the expected life time of the medical device. These are questions which are very helpful and worth thinking about.
It is good to know that when a decision to choose a mobile PET/CT scan consider not buying the cheapest one. All radiologists should know that their new machine needs to work in the next few years. The medical providers should think very well about which model to buy and also they should think about the price. If there is something better for a good price should be worthy to consider buying. In some cases, the prices outweigh the benefits. This is expected to be well clear when taking the final decision. But, when the needs are defined and the budget is set, the radiologist will find the right way to choose the best possible solution for buying PET-CT scan.