How much does a mobile CT scan unit rental cost?

Mobile CT scan unit cost a fortune. However, the goals that the healthcare facilities ensure to fulfill with them are also worthwhile. So, how can save yourself from burning a hole in your pocket to reach your goals?
Here’s what you can do!
Just rent it.
Yes, you can now rent a mobile CT scan unit as per your needs.
Rental cost varies with CT scanner make/model
There is a variety that comes in the cost of a CT scan unit rent due to its model, length of the rental period, and the slice count of the CT scanner installed in the unit.
On a monthly basis, different types of CT scan unit rental costs. For the long term, it’s recommended that you choose a CT lease.
Additional costs to consider for mobile CT scan unit
Some uninvited costs come along with mobile CT scan unit rental. Here’s what’s on the list.
- Transportation: The transportation cost of your CT scan unit is an indirect cost that many people forget to consider. In case you demand faster shipment, an extra cost will be charged to you. You can avoid these fees by planning and ordering in advance from the time of your requirement.
- Security deposit: While renting your CT scan van or CT scan unit, a security deposit needs to be submitted to the vendor. It is refundable if you return the CT scan van in the same condition as during the time you rent it. However, if there is any damage caused in it from your end while using it, this fee is used by the vendor to cover those damages.
- Installation fee: An installation fee is charged by an engineer who is responsible for installing and de-installing the required machinery in your CT scan unit.
- Cleaning fee: A negligible fee is designated as a cleaning fee. It is given to an expert who thoroughly cleans the CT after your usage so that it is fresh and spotless for the next facility that rents it.
- Testing fee: Initially, when your CT scan unit or CT scan van arrives, it’s recommended that you get it checked for any issues before using it. Many times, it happens that during transportation, some damage is caused to the CT scanner in the van. So, to learn it beforehand, do test it prior to using it.
- Maintenance fee: When you use the CT scan unit on regular basis, ensure that you get regular check-up from the OEM to help you with regular CT Scanner maintenance. It will help in keeping the machinery in a top-notch state and will recognize any possible issues in advance. The engineers are either sent by the vendor for maintenance as covered in your contract or you will have to get one from your end.
Important things to consider
- Apart from these, do your research and find out the available vendors in the market who are offering mobile CT units for rent. It will help you compare the quotes and save on the additional uninvited costs while renting the units.
- When you approach the end of your rental term, the OEM engineer will prep the CT scan unit for removal. However, you would have to clear up all your patents’ data from the unit yourself. In the end, you’ll have to remove all your machinery and things from the unit and get it finally cleaned.
- Give a thorough read to the terms and conditions of your rental agreement. Don’t be in a hassle to finalize things as you may get blinded by low cost or other benefits. Ensure that it includes everything as per your requirements.
Why should you rent mobile CT scan unit?
Many healthcare facilities doubt their decision of renting a mobile CT unit. You may wish to check all the pointers on if you are moving in the right direction. Here’s a checklist to help you eliminate any second thoughts about renting the CT scanner unit.
- If you are looking at an alternative option for your damaged or unusable equipment
- You wish to test the financial viability of CT services for your healthcare facility
- You wish to buy or upgrade your existing CT scanner
- You wish to get your hands on the latest technology without burning a hole in your pocket.
Now that you are aware of all the kinds of costs that will affect the total rental cost of your CT scan unit or CT scan van, you can move ahead and hit the market. In case, If you are still struggling with second thoughts in your mind about the mobile CT scan unit for rent you can take assistance from our experts that will help you see the bright side of the same for your business.
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