Custom Build Mobile Dental Vehicles to Meet Unique Needs of Your Dental Practice

Dental offices, led by dentists, offer many dental treatments to provide great healthcare to their patients. Dental specialists can be united in one dental team and treat the patients with competitive knowledge in each dental field. Depending on the population needs, the dental manager will organize the dentists in one group.
To succeed in his idea, he must create a special place, more exactly, a mobile dental van or trailer that will meet the requirements of the dental team. This means that the dental manager should custom design the mobile clinic van according to the needs of the dental practice. At first, he should find a company which offers a different type of mobile trailers and later decides which type is the most suitable for his plan.
Selection of the team members is also very important keeping in mind that the mobile dental van or trailers are very confined and restricted in space and volume. Some professionals comfortable working in the fixed large dental clinics may not be comfortable working in the area 1/3 the volume of the larger fixed dental clinics. People with claustrophobia may not be compatible with mobile dental clinics and may impact morale of other staff members in a negative way projecting their fears. And if such person is part of the executive team may jeopardize the entire project.
Also Chekout : How to set up mobile dental van clinic business for dentists?
A Mobile dental clinic that will meet the needs of the dental team
Depending on the needs and wishes of the dental manager, there are three types of mobile dental trailers:
- General mobile dental vehicle: This means that in this mobile dental trailer, the dental therapists will only perform interventions from general dentistry. For this aim, there should be one more room for the x-ray machine. How many rooms equipped with dental chairs there would be, depending on the needs of the dental team. In these vans in which general dentistry will be practiced, you need one or two rooms for the dental chairs and also one room for the digital x-ray machine or the handheld portable X-Ray system can be used. You also need another space for the waiting room. If you have these conditions, the general dentist will perform interventions such as treating dental decay, pulp inflammation, teeth extractions, scaling and polishing of the teeth and also cosmetic procedures like teeth whitening. These mobile dental vans can be located in many areas especially in those where people can’t reach for dental care. These types of mobile dental vehicles are excellent for schools and kindergartens because routine control check-ups could be performed for children and school children. Also, they can serve as an educational center in which some patients will learn about how to maintain good oral healthcare habits, how to properly brush the teeth, how to prevent tooth extractions and similar topics. For this job, the dental manager needs a small or medium dental trailer. According to the project and the idea, he will decide the best possible solution for this type of mobile dental trailer.
- Special mobile dental vehicle: This means that in the mentioned van, the dental therapists would be practicing dentistry from few to all fields. If the dental manager wants to build a dental clinic offering therapy for all dental interventions he will for sure need a bigger vehicle. This is explained by the fact that more dental specialists have different needs of machines and dental chairs. For example, an oral surgeon needs a dental chair with more details such as LED light and piezo instrument. An orthodontist needs different instruments for cutting wires and also for positioning braces. An endodontist may need a microscope for better obturation of the root canal system. A CBCT system is a must for the implantology treatments. All these dental supplies should be well positioned in the mobile dental trailer. So, the dental manager should talk with the dental experts and ask them about the additional special equipment they need. According to the answers, he will definitely know how to organize the space into the mobile dental clinic. If the idea is to offer treatments for urgent situations such as car accidents or sports accidents, the dental manager should look for the individual custom dental vehicle.
- Combination of both previously mentioned mobile dental vehicles: This means, that there should be one more room with a dental chair for practicing general dentistry.
Keep in mind that the new custom build mobile dental trailer would be according to the needs of the dental team.
The dental manager has more options and alternatives when it comes to custom a mobile dental vehicle to match their unique ideas, skills and needs. This will probably depend on the planned location and also whether it would be created for education and teaching or offering dental care from general to complicated cases that must be performed by specialists and dentists with adequate knowledge and experience.
However, many options could be a perfect idea for the new mobile dental vehicle. All it needs to have a clear vision and the right dental experts. The dental therapists are the most powerful persons in this project and they are the leaders of the new dental practice. The newest equipment in the hands of the experienced and well-educated dental practitioner is the key to the successful dental clinic. But, remember that performing dentistry is not a business but also a profession which requires good communication and empathy.