Common causes of medical CT scanner failure and how to prevent it!

A medical CT scanner does not fail overnight. It starts showing signs of failure in its everyday work before it eventually breaks down.
They are a vital yet expensive piece of the medical imaging department, and their breakdown can cause downtime at the healthcare facility. Because of a lack of information, even healthcare professionals with years of training are unable to diagnose such symptoms and treat them in a timely manner.
In this article, we will take a closer look at all the common causes of failure in a medical CT scanner and how you can prevent them.
Let’s get started.
Is your CT scanner making noise?
If yes, then you have diagnosed the early signs of your CT scanner failure.
The noise may come from the anode of the tube, which is constantly spinning. It makes a continuous humming sound during the scan, indicating that the bearings inside the tube housing are worn out. It won’t show any visual sign, so you will need to listen closely to any scraping or humming sound. Contact your CT scanner maintenance engineer to get it fixed immediately, reporting an issue with the housing of the CT scanner x-ray tube.
Also, checkout:Factors That Affect The Cost Of Your CT Scanner Maintenance
Is Is your CT scanner heating up?
If yes, then it could be a possible sign that your system is overheating. This unusual behavior of your CT scanner may be caused by a change in the frequency of system cooling or a delay in it.
It usually happens when the scanner reaches the maximum limit of its operating temperature. The system may stop in between to give a break to the tube and bring the temperature down to normal. However, if these breaks occur frequently for a long time, the problem may be different in your CT scanner, which would require an expert’s attention.
Inform your engineers about how it is behaving so that it can be checked as soon as possible.
Is Does your scan stop abruptly?
If yes, then the worn-out carbon brushes of the slip ring in a CT scanner are the problem here. It can cause arcing, which can abort the scan in the middle of the process and even impact the quality of the image. It is more likely to happen with the cold tube, and may occur if it has not been run through its warmup sequence. Initially, ensure that you allow time for warmup at the beginning of each scan. If the problem persists, try some of the steps advised by the experts listed in the next segment.
To avoid this failure from occurring in your medical CT scanner, get the brushes and slip rings inspected periodically during the maintenance sessions. If they have deteriorated after long usage, you should replace them to eliminate any further instant shutdown of the system. It will help us keep an eye on them and save us from this costly damage in the long run.
Is Are there frequent warnings and errors?
If yes, then there are chances that your CT scanner will fail sooner than ever. These warning or error messages need to be inspected by a field engineer to evaluate the cause behind them. Further, the data from your medical CT scanner will give insights into what’s causing the system to fall apart. It will also give the on-site engineer an idea of where to start troubleshooting to eradicate the problem from its roots.
Another key warning sign that you may encounter in your CT scanner system is computer problems and associated errors. This could be due to the database failing or the computer’s image reconstruction system failing. It poses fatal reconstruction errors at the console that need immediate attention.
Is What should you do when signs of failure become frequent?
If the warning signs elaborated above for your CT scanner occur frequently, it’s time to shift your attention completely to getting it resolved right away. Many of these issues may be in their initial stages and can be rectified before major damage is done. Some parts may need replacement, which must be considered an investment in your machine because of its long lifespan.
A field engineer will advise you on all of the warning signs you’ve been experiencing and will recommend preventative measures to keep your equipment in the best possible condition.
Is Avail expert assistance for added support
If you’re reading this article, chances are that you must be facing one or more of the issues mentioned above with your CT scanner. We understand that maintaining such an expensive piece of equipment will drain your bank account, but preventing damage is far more cost effective than having the system repaired after damage has occurred. As a result, it is recommended that you consult an expert about the signs of failure on your medical CT scanner in order to save your equipment and avoid any downtime at your healthcare facility.
In case you are looking for an expert team who can responsibly handle it all for you, connect with us, and we won’t leave a thing for you to worry about. To get further information about medical imaging equipment pleasefeel free to call us at +1 586 917 0245 or email us at