Commercial Coaches vs. Motor Homes for Mobile Dental Van Applications, Pros & Cons!

A mobile dental van is not just a vehicle that is used to move dental equipment from one location to another. Rather, it is a self-reliant dental care clinic on wheels that is well-equipped to deliver dental services to patients at various locations. As a dental healthcare professional, it is very critical for you to research and choose the apt type of vehicle for your mobile dental clinic so you can concentrate on delivering quality dental care to your patients without worrying much about vehicle upkeep and repetitive repairs. As leading provider of mobile dental vans in the USA, we specialize in custom building a specialty vehicle that serves your objective of having a top-class mobile dental clinic. We design and commercially build a specialty vehicle from chassis-up after understanding your requirement, be it accessing difficult locations, expanding your dental services, increasing the number of patients being attended, or adding services to your existing dental care profile.
In this post, we will discuss how mobile dentistry is better delivered with specially built commercial coaches rather than motor homes or RV (Recreational Vehicles).
Foundation – We build commercial mobile coaches on the basis that it will have a useful life of at least thirty years and since the commercial coaches are built right from the chassis, we ensure that it has a very strong foundation and high structural integrity compared to a converted motor home. Our commercially built mobile dental vans have 80,000 psi Hi-strength primed and painted trailer I-beams bolted to aluminum extruded side lower body rails, fastened to steel channel framework lending it strength while motor homes have plywood or I-beams covered by wood planks attached directly to chassis making it unstable and vulnerable. One-piece sub-floor with sealed edges prevents mold and moisture intrusion in commercial coaches whereas in a motorhome, multiple pieces with numerous screws and bolts can cause leakage in the future.
Structure – Keeping longevity of the vehicle in mind, we use 2” x 2” x .125 square aluminum square tube for the wall structure of our commercial coaches as against some motorhome manufacturers using 1” x 1” x .060” aluminum square tube. Continuous thick plywood sheet walls with a total thickness equalling to 2.65 inches’ minimum are used by us in building commercial coaches making them strong, solid, and durable to support all the equipment required in a mobile dental van.
Insulation – To keep your working space quieter, more comfortable, and hold a consistent temperature, our custom-built commercial coaches have a minimum r-factor of 14 using 2” of Celotex insulation instead of typically used insulation of 1’ Styrofoam in motor homes and RVs which gives an r-factor of 4.
Air Conditioning
Air Conditioning – The air conditioning system used in our commercial mobile coaches is equivalent to what you use in your own office. It is a quiet and efficient central air conditioning system as compared to the noisier multiple rooftop air conditioning units used in converted motor homes.
Storage & Cabinetry
Storage & Cabinetry – Our commercial mobile coaches have storage boxes and cabinets designed with non-porous material such as aluminum that have no leaks and are easy to clean and sterilize in contrast to storage boxes in motor homes made of plastic and wood which are difficult to sterilize.
Usage – Our commercial mobile coach is designed in a way that can be used seven days a week across the year. However, motor homes or RVs are designed for occasional use like once a week. They are generally used in the summer months and even if used in winter months, it’s for a short duration. The commercial coaches are more practical and feasible to use as they can be specifically designed and built for the intended use as a mobile dental van.
After-sales Service
After-sales Service – While the commercial coaches come with the requisite warranties, the parts availability is also accounted for since it is custom-built for being used as a mobile dental van. But when it comes to a motor home, the inventory of parts for a specialty vehicle is a problem. For the repairs and replacement, you have to depend on the RV manufacturer who doesn’t have enough experience in building a specialty vehicle.
disadvantages of converting a motor home
There are other disadvantages of converting a motor home for dentistry including physical barriers, such as steps that make this option non-viable for many patients. The converted motorhome also requires a considerable investment which is related to the ability to drive the vehicle and not the delivery of dental care.
commercially built mobile coaches designed
All in all, commercially built mobile coaches designed especially for use as a mobile dental van is a much more feasible option to invest in rather than a motor home. Contact our experienced team and they’ll take you through the process of designing and building a commercial coach for a mobile dental van. We combine our years of experience, service, quality, and technology to custom-build your mobile dental clinic as per your specifications and requirement.