Buy Or Rent A Mobile Dental Vehicle To Complete An Oral Health Educational Program

Oral Health Diseases such as Tooth Decay is a major problem with 60-90 % of the School aged children and majority of adults. Oral Health Educators are skilled in training the Dental Professionals, Assistants, & Hygienists who can inform the patients and community at large to alter habits to improve Oral Health. These Professionals can also assist Governments Globally to assign financial resources to the Health Education Programs with higher probability of success.
Evidence based education where the methods used are based on significant & reliable evidence for the maximum educational decision making process.
The implementation of such Oral Health Educational Programs at the patient levels, invariably requires an uninterrupted flow of funding & other resources to buy or rent mobile dental clinics. Various configurations of dental clinics are available such as mobile dental coaches, trailers and trailer truck chassis to name a few.
For Additional information about the Mobile Dental Coaches and Trailers visit or contact us.
The Annual Wellness Programs can be setup to educate the Dental & Medical Providers and they in turn can organize educational programs for Social Workers, Patients, Universities and Government institutions. Everything starts with education about dental diseases and prevention by using basic solutions like how to properly use a tooth brush, tooth paste, mouth wash & dental floss. It is shocking to learn how many people do not use dental floss which can help prevent dental diseases and contribute to better health for global communities. But it requires reaching the patients, especially Kindergarten & School aged children. The best way to reach them by a team of Dental Professionals and assisting staff is to rent or buy a Mobile Dental Coach or Trailer equipped with Dental equipment, Computer and Dental Supplies. The passionate Dental Students and volunteers who run the Mobile Clinics along with the inquisitive nature of children is an ideal mix for the success of such a program. Visit our website and Blogs related to renting or buying Mobile Clinics, these issues are discussed in detail or contact us.
An Oral Health Education Program includes developing proficiency in overcoming the challenges that confront community oral health issues, followed by professional evaluation of physical, Cultural, Socio Economical Status, Nationality and Geographical issues. The crucial message for the patients is that the elements like Diet and Drinks such as Soda & Juices can cause Dental Diseases. It is more beneficial to do preventive Dental Care than to treat patients. It is also less expensive for Patients, Providers and Society at large. Dental Health Education Programs create a healthier environment for people by education directed to the patients which should aid them to follow good dental habits related to diet and especially the potential harm of drinking soft drinks & juices. The earlier the better, Dental Health Education & Preventive help for children can create healthy children and adults when they grow up & they in turn educate their children about the dental health. Dental health educators are skilled in promoting behavior & policies at the local & Federal Government levels advocating for healthier individuals, families & communities. This activity can be responsible for the proper allocation of financial & other resources towards the success of such a program requiring completely functional Mobile Dental Coaches or Trailers.
Oral Health Education is effective in improving the knowledge, attitude & practice of oral health and in reducing plaque, bleeding on probing of the gingiva & caries increment. Dental health information or knowledge may serve as a tool to empower educators with accurate information enabling them to take action to protect the Dental Health of the community they serve. The objective of the oral health education is to ultimately deliver a better oral health and resultant improved physical, mental & emotional health of the community. Such efforts thru the World Health Organization in conjunction with various Countries can optimize the overall Dental Health Globally. The success data of these programs can help allocate the resources for the best future results. Oral health education can help alter behavior such as using tooth brushes, healthy diet, & avoiding Sugary juices & soft drinks as they are harmful to oral health.
According to Wikipedia “Evidenced-based education” is an approach to all aspects of education-from policy-making to classroom practice where the methods used are based on significant and reliable evidence derived from example and to apply the best available evidence, gained from scientific method, to educational decision making.
Tooth decay, is the #1 chronic childhood illness.
- Pediatric dental disease is five times more common than Asthma and seven times more common than Hay Fever.
- Left untreated , pediatric dental disease can lead to Malnourishment, Bacterial infections, required emergency surgery and even death.
- Pain and infection caused by tooth decay can lead to problems in eating, speaking and learning.
- Dental disease has been linked to Heart disease, Stroke, Diabetes, Pneumonia, Poor pregnancy outcomes and Dementia.
- Dental decay is the most common childhood disease worldwide.
- Tooth decay is still a major problem in most industrialized countries, affecting 60-90 % of school children and majority of adults.
- Access to oral health services in developing counties is limited, and teeth are often left untreated or are extracted due to pain.
- Dental disease is the fourth most expensive disease to treat in most industrialized countries.
The Department of Health & Senior Services has created K-12 Oral Health Education Curriculum Power point Presentation at their website listed below.
You can also down load presentations at
Other resources in PDF file format can also be downloaded at
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